The "brevet des collèges" in French schools abroad is dematerialized with Viatique

The Agence pour l'Enseignement Français à l'Etranger (Agency for French Education Abroad) has chosen Viatique to dematerialize the brevet des collèges exam papers for French schools abroad. Copy security, time savings, ease of use for correctors, correction supervision... the advantages of online correction are numerous.
AEFE schools have been using Viatique to mark their baccalauréat exams since 2011. It's only natural that the use of Viatique Correction has been extended to the Diplôme du brevet in the network's schools for the past 3 years.
By 2023, more than 110,000 papers from 26,000 students had been digitized in 246 examination centers in 118 countries. A global system facilitated by dematerialization.
Users are extremely pleased with this innovation, as mentioned by the principal of the French lycée in Shanghai: "My colleagues who are already experimenting with dematerialization for the correction of the baccalauréat wouldn't dream of going back! We're absolutely delighted that, from now on, DNB papers will no longer be labelled with stickers and trimmed, and that all examinations will finally be able to follow a consistent line", reads the article on dematerialization published by the AEFE.